Welcome to the Mountain Restaurant 656 m.

Enjoy waffles, Bacalao, ice cream, and drinks with a fantastic view at the top of Narvikfjellet.

Narvikfjellet Restaurant "Fjellheisrestauranten", 656 m.

The Narvikfjellet Restaurant is the very heart of Narvikfjellet, and for many the main motivation to visit the mountain. From the restaurant you can enjoy a panoramic view of Narvik, the Ofotfjord, the historic ore harbor and the majestic mountains surrounding the city.

What do we serve at Fjellheisrestauranten?

Summer 2024, the Mountain Cable Car Restaurant will serve as a warm and enjoyable café. We offer a selection of cakes, pastries, and the option of a warm dish/stew, as well as a variety of fine beverages. Here we have something for everyone, from the coffee enthusiasts to those simply looking to visit and enjoy the breathtaking view.

Transport to the restaurant

The easiest and fastest transport to the Narvikfjellet Restaurant via the cable car. The cable car ride takes about 5 minutes from Skistua at 220 m, which is a great adventure by itself, offering great panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

As an alternative for the active, one can walk up to the restaurant along the well-known Narvikfjellet "Fjellveien". The road is a well-build gravel road that winds its way up the mountain, with natural viewpoints along the way. The hike is suitable for both children and adults, and takes about 45-75 minutes. The road is normally snow-free from mid-May to November.

Questions about private events or table reservations?

If you want to get for information about our offers at the restaurant, or do are you planning a party, summer fest with colleagues, or a lunch/dinner with friends? Then get in touch via [email protected] for an (non-binding) offer or for reserving a table at the restaurant.




Transport til Fjellheisrestauranten

Gondolbanen er eneste transportmulighet til Fjellheisrestauranten. Turen opp på fjellet tar ca 6 minutter fra Skistua 220 moh, og er en flott opplevelse i seg selv. Er du av den riktig spreke typen, kan du ta beina fatt langs den velkjente Fjellveien. Veien er en godt opparbeidet grusvei som slynger seg oppover fjellet, med naturlige utsiktsposter underveis. Turen passer for både barn og voksne, og tar mellom 45 -75 minutter. Fjellveien er normalt snøfri fra midten av mai til november.

Forespørsel om arrangement

[email protected]

Planlegger du et selskap, en sommerfest med jobben, eller kanskje en lunsj med vennegjengen? Ta kontakt med oss på [email protected] dersom du ønsker et uforpliktende tilbud. 

Restauranten 1. etg: 80 sitteplasser
Peisestua i underetasjen: 50 sitteplasser


Forespørsel om bordreservasjon

[email protected]

Ønsker du å reservere bord i restauranten i normal åpningstid? Da kan du sende en mail til [email protected] eller ringe tlf. 948 06 242. 


Velkommen til byens beste utsiktspunkt!


Nice to know


Opening hours

The Narvikfjellet Restaurant follows the ski resort's opening hours.

You are welcome to enter the restaurant as soon as we open, and we are happy to serve coffee or other snacks immediately! However, we need a little extra time to get started on the magic waffle iron, and therefore do not take orders from the menu until 30-60 minutes after opening. See the kitchen's opening hours above.